Tuesday, February 12, 2008


We drove down to Ft Benning in Georgia to see my nephew Mike graduate boot camp.
The Army does a demonstration before they bring out the graduates so everyone can see what infantrymen learn.

The graduates marching on the field.

Mike is the second one in of the third row back.
I was not smiling because I was trying to not cry but I am so very proud of him.
The armored personnel carrier was Gabe's favorite part of the whole ceremony.

Gabe, Nick and Caleb in the armored personnel carrier.
So sweet.
It meant alot to Mike that Jim was there and I think Jim helped him feel more at ease about going to his first duty station in Texas. They were able to spend some quality time together just talking, which was exactly what Mike needed.
Jim, Lynn, Nick, Gabe and Caleb.

Our hotel was right by the Chatahoochi River.

This is Jim's favorite picture.
It was so beautiful and peaceful.

In the evening we took Mike for some much deserved R&R and went to an indoor amusement center. They had small rides, a huge arcade, miniature golf, a climbing wall and bumper cars which we all rode several times.
Daddy and his boys riding the train.
Caleb having fun just swinging.

They rode the swings at least six times.
Gabe in the play area looking down at mommy.
Who is this kid?
Some parents just do not supervise their children.
Daddy and Gabe.
We were later yelled at for being in the play area. Apparently we were too tall.

Here Jim is explaining to Lynn that she is not timing the picture taking properly.
Okay here he is saying " just give me the camera." He also said something about an untrained monkey doing a better job.

We tryed to get Mike to climb the wall but he had enough climbing in boot camp.

Jim and Nick racing to the top.

This is my favorite picture because Lynn has her eyes closed and did not want me to put it on the blog.
Sexy look Lynn!


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