Saturday, February 16, 2008


Maddie completed her second round of high dose methotrexate during the consolidation portion of her protocol this week. We were released from the hospital on Valentine’s Day. Thanks so much for all of the sweet cards and gifts for Maddie. We are at home now, and we will go in Monday to see if her counts are good enough for us to start the next two chemo drugs, VP16 and Cytoxan. Based on where her counts were yesterday, it is doubtful that she will have made enough platelets for us to start. It might be nice for her to get a little break as she has some pretty bad mouth sores at the moment. She seems to be really feeling the effects of this latest chemo. She is nauseous around the clock and has stopped eating solid foods due to the mouth sores. She is sleeping a ton, and it is clear that she does not feel well when she is awake. Sometimes it is hard for us to tell that the chemo even affects her except for the changes to her blood counts, but this is not one of those times.

We have come a long way and it is nice to be able to see the end of the really tough chemo. We just have two more planned weeks of hospitalization for chemo left. Of course, any time her counts are low we are at risk of unplanned hospitalizations. After we complete the next month, which is arguably the toughest of all the chemo, we have six more months of weekly chemo. Those six months will be mainly in and out of the clinic here in Charlotte, but there will even be times where her counts are good enough that we may get to visit our home in Jacksonville. It seems like forever since I (Liz) have been home. We packed in 2 hours to leave our home for a year. At the time, it seemed like an easy choice because we knew the care would be better in Charlotte. We have been very happy with her care here, but it was impossible back then to see just how hard it would be to live separately, with Brandon having to spend so much time in the car. My mom, Bea, and Lance have been incredibly hospitable. They feed us better than we ever would have eaten at home and the accommodations are fancier than our home. They are also extremely helpful with Maddie, and we are incredibly thankful. That does not mean I do not long for a night in my own bed with us in our home acting like a regular family. It is almost impossible to imagine what a “normal” life will be for us in the future, but whatever it is we look forward to it. Thanks again to everyone who sent things for Maddie for Valentines Day. We really appreciate all of the support. Please keep her in your prayers as she is feeling pretty low right now.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


We drove down to Ft Benning in Georgia to see my nephew Mike graduate boot camp.
The Army does a demonstration before they bring out the graduates so everyone can see what infantrymen learn.

The graduates marching on the field.

Mike is the second one in of the third row back.
I was not smiling because I was trying to not cry but I am so very proud of him.
The armored personnel carrier was Gabe's favorite part of the whole ceremony.

Gabe, Nick and Caleb in the armored personnel carrier.
So sweet.
It meant alot to Mike that Jim was there and I think Jim helped him feel more at ease about going to his first duty station in Texas. They were able to spend some quality time together just talking, which was exactly what Mike needed.
Jim, Lynn, Nick, Gabe and Caleb.

Our hotel was right by the Chatahoochi River.

This is Jim's favorite picture.
It was so beautiful and peaceful.

In the evening we took Mike for some much deserved R&R and went to an indoor amusement center. They had small rides, a huge arcade, miniature golf, a climbing wall and bumper cars which we all rode several times.
Daddy and his boys riding the train.
Caleb having fun just swinging.

They rode the swings at least six times.
Gabe in the play area looking down at mommy.
Who is this kid?
Some parents just do not supervise their children.
Daddy and Gabe.
We were later yelled at for being in the play area. Apparently we were too tall.

Here Jim is explaining to Lynn that she is not timing the picture taking properly.
Okay here he is saying " just give me the camera." He also said something about an untrained monkey doing a better job.

We tryed to get Mike to climb the wall but he had enough climbing in boot camp.

Jim and Nick racing to the top.

This is my favorite picture because Lynn has her eyes closed and did not want me to put it on the blog.
Sexy look Lynn!


Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Our little guy turned seven on Thursday!
Daddy took off early and we spent about 5 hours at Chucke Cheese!

Of course, Janine Rik and the girls were there. Thanks for spending lunch with us Janine!

Caleb in the train.

Our two silly beans.

My oldest kid!

Daddy and the birthday boy.
The three amigos.

Rik getting some piggies.
Kylie protecting the piggies.
There's that smile.
They rode this coaster simulator about 50 times, okay not 50 but alot.

Aren't they sweet!

Jim, Gabe and Kylie performing. See what happens when you go back to work Janine, you miss all the fun!
I think Kelis is trying to look up Chuckes shorts.
Looks like their scheming.
Three gorgeous guys!

After all the fun it was time to open his gift.

Our guy just loves taking pictures with my cell phone so I couldn't wait to get him a camera of his own.
Were taking each others picture.
We had birthday cupcakes on Thursday.
Janine, Rik and the girls came over on Friday for birthday cake.

We have read him this book about a million times since then.
He loves it!
You can change the story and mix up the pages it is very cool.

He also got a Transformers sock-em-boppers type game.
Thanks Rik, Janine, Kylie and Kelis!
A cool Batman begins cake.

He had an awesome birthday!