Saturday, June 02, 2007


Momom and Popop will be leaving in the morning so we forced Mom to be in some pictures with the boys.
It was a productive visit because we managed to find Mom and Dad 2.07 acres and a wonderful builder. So if all goes as planned they will be able to move by March 08'.
Since they are the only Grandparents my boys have had it will be nice to have them close so they can be a bigger part of their lives. Caleb especially loves having them here. He has woke up every morning and run downstairs to see them. He has enjoyed breakfast on the deck with his Popop and walks outside with Popop and the dog. I dread having to tell him they will be leaving.
Daddy and the Lil guys.

Since Gabe spends most of the time in sweat pants Mom bought them 12 pair of Ravens sweat pants and each a Ravens t-shirt which made Daddy happy as well. She also got her favorite big boy his own set, she is always spoiling him! We will miss them until they return in October.
We love you Mom and Dad! Have a safe trip!

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