Saturday, July 12, 2008


We just wanted to let everyone know that we will be going in Monday for a procedure. Maddie will have a bone marrow aspirate (her first in a long time) where we will find out if she is still in remission. We believe she is, but please pray for her marrow to be clear of leukemia. Maddie will also get a lumbar puncture where 3 types of chemo are inserted in her spinal fluid. She will also receive IV chemotherapy at the clinic after she has been released from the recovery area of the hospital. This makes for a long rough day for her because she is not allowed to eat in preparation for it all. Following this she will be on steroids for 5 days and then the week after we begin daily oral chemotherapy at home in addition to weekly visits for IV chemo. Maddie had a lot of tough chemo over the last 6 weeks, but she is finally seeming to shake off the effects it had on her and get back to her old self. The nausea seems to be gone or at least diminished and she is beginning to have an appetite again. She is very close to walking and takes 15-20 steps at times. She is still a little clingy and likes to be held alot, but that I don't mind. She actually took all of her oral meds this evening without us having to jam them down her throat, and that is a major improvement which makes our job as parents much easier. Thanks again for all of the nice comments and support for Maddie. She still has a very long road ahead, please keep her in your prayers. Love, Liz, Brandon, and Maddie

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