Saturday, April 28, 2007


April is Autism awareness month and it would mean a lot to me if everyone would take some time to view the link for the NC Autism Society web page on the right side of the blog page. It is becoming more common and before we were given our little Gabe's' diagnosis we knew very little about Autism ourselves. 1 in 150 children are diagnosed with some form of Autism and it amazes me how little is really known even among our medical community. It has been such a struggle for us to get help or answers and it has meant a lot to us that we have had family and friends pass along info and take time to educate themselves. The Autism spectrum is so broad and it is so different from child to child that it often, as in our case, can go undiagnosed for years. I knew something was different shortly after our guy turned 1 but would have never even considered Autism! I was told by doctors for 4 years that he was just different, he had little quirks, or that he could not eat and frequently vomited simply because he was a picky eater. It was very frustrating to want answers and be dismissed time after time. We were left to anguish and wonder why our guy could not eat without vomiting, suddenly became hysterical during baths, dislike having clothes on, screamed in terror at getting his nails or hair cut, and so many other things that were not an issue for him until after his first birthday. My desire is to save other parents from going through this as we continue to search for help and answers. Our little guy has been such an incredible blessing to us and I would love to see him live in a world where people were understanding and kind so please take some time and educate yourselves and thanks so very much to those of you who have been involved. You may stumble across answers that help someone whom God places in your life during there time of need. Things could have been much better for Gabriel had we learned of this 4 years earlier. Thanks everyone and God bless you and yours!

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