Saturday, May 31, 2008


Memorial Day weekend we took a ferry to Ocrakoke.
Zach, Gabe, Josh, Nick and Caleb.
Naturally we invited Janine, Rik, Kylie and Kelis.
Rik stayed in the van and watched a movie the entire 2 1/2 hour trip.
Gabe, Caleb, Kelis and Kylie

Janine and Kelis writing messages on the Magna Doodle to me and the boys.
We were all just MagnaDoodlin back and forth.
Mommy and her lil guys
Daddy and his lil guys
Finally we pull into Ocracoke.
I think Rik found his happy place!
After eating we hit the beach.
What a handsome family.
I can't beleve Janine wore her Jezabel pants though!

Daddy and his guys on the lifeguard tower.

Jim, Gabe, Caleb, Kylie and Kelis
Gabe is on a mission with some sand.
The ocean water was still quite cold so we found a great little, warm pond to play in.
Caleb lost his feet

Zach, Nick and Josh
Hmmm, I wonder what Rik is up to?

Okay Rik my mouth isn't that big!
Look at this handsome man!
The lighthouse was a little disapointing because you could not go in it or even get too close.

Thanks for getting me running my BIG mouth Janine.
Very attractive!
Finally our ride back after a wonderful day!

Saturday, May 10, 2008


We took the boys to the Maynia at Camp Lejeune on Friday night.
Marty, Zach and Nick took off together to ride the big rides and we thought Gabe and Caleb would be riding the kiddie rides, we were wrong!
The carnival was sponsored by Disney this year so it was open only to military and free. It was a nice night and alot less crowded this year so we had a nice night.

Jim with Gabriel on the ferris wheel. I was riding with Caleb and I hate ferris wheels!

The gang

Daddy & Gabe on the swing

Mommy swung with Caleb

Kylie & Rik with Janine & Kelis behind them. I was not feeling well and not really up for riding on rides so Rik helped me out by making barfing noises behind me on the swing. Thanks Rik!
Daddy and the little guys on the dragon coaster.

Gabe & Caleb



Nick rode with Caleb for me
Daddy and the boys on the teacup. I got some good pictures of them spinning. They really loved it and I was certain that Gabe would not like the spinning. They both proved to be quite daring!

Here they were on the catch n air ride which was very fast.

A lady asked Jim if he would mind her little girl riding the scrambler with them because she really did not want to go on the ride. Of course, he said yes!

Every time they spun around my silly husband would make faces at me. This is one reason I adore him so. He makes my heart sing!

Well we closed down the carnival and our little guys were completely tuckered out.
So, Daddy scooped them up and carried them up to bed!
They had an awesome night!