Zach, Gabe, Josh, Nick and Caleb.
Naturally we invited Janine, Rik, Kylie and Kelis.
Rik stayed in the van and watched a movie the entire 2 1/2 hour trip.
Gabe, Caleb, Kelis and Kylie

Janine and Kelis writing messages on the Magna Doodle to me and the boys.
We were all just MagnaDoodlin back and forth.
Mommy and her lil guys
Daddy and his lil guys
Finally we pull into Ocracoke.
I think Rik found his happy place!
After eating we hit the beach.
What a handsome family.
I can't beleve Janine wore her Jezabel pants though!

Daddy and his guys on the lifeguard tower.
Jim, Gabe, Caleb, Kylie and Kelis
Gabe is on a mission with some sand.
The ocean water was still quite cold so we found a great little, warm pond to play in.

I can't beleve Janine wore her Jezabel pants though!

Daddy and his guys on the lifeguard tower.